Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: Family Mess
Sermon Title: The Ideal Family
Is there an Ideal family? Can that ever exist? Are families more of a mess or perfect?
Three options to consider
Remain – Reject – Redeem
Transition: We are in Deuteronomy today, as we introduce a new series today . . .”
Read Deut. 6:1-3 (some rules, relationships, responsibility, religion)
** Focus on God !! Background is getting ready to go into the Promiseland after wilderness
Why does God lay out these statutes to Moses to share with the people?
“to f w, to f r, in order to p r and m y greatly”.
A. God is a Generational God
How is God generational? To whom are the commands given?
B. God is a Personal God
Read Deut. 6:4-9
How are we to respond to God personally in these verses?
L , L with all your heart, r them, talk about them when you s ,
when you w along the road, when you l down, when you get up, w them on multiple places.
C. God is a Covenant God
Read Deut. 6:10-12
Truth: God is a promise-maker and a promise-keeper!
A covenant/relational God will give what according to this scripture?
Read John 3:16
According to this verse, who will not perish?
What gift did God give out of His love for you and me?
Read Hebrews 2:11
Who is the sanctifier? Who are the sanctified?
Truth: When you trust Christ, you’re welcome into HIs Family!
Study summation: There are no perfect-ideal families while on Earth, however, we are
promised an eternal perfect family through faith in Christ Jesus as Savior.
What was your one compelling take-a-way today?
Your homework assignment:
What is God’s spirit highlighting for you today?
Give time this week and address that growth edge.
Let’s Pray