Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: Wise Up
Sermon Title: Stuff
Do you think we have a responsibility as Christians as to how we manage our stuff?
Is God concerned about our clothes, vehicles, furniture, bank account, IRA?
Transition: We continue our series “Wise Up”, let’s look at material possessions deeper . .
DIG IN: Remember – stuff is not central to God, so let’s see . . .
A. There is something worth more than Stuff
Read – Proverbs 15:16
What is better in this verse?
Read – Proverbs 16:8
What is better in this verse?
Read – Proverbs 16:19
What is better in this verse?
Read – Proverbs 28:6
What is better in this verse?
Summation: How can we sum up these verses?
Truth – God is more concerned about your heart, spirit and character, than your stuff!
Read Luke 12:15
What is the warning and truth in this verse?
Remember – Satan and the world are selling the spirit of dissatisfaction to us
B. Stuff is not the Problem, nor is stuff the Answer
Read 1 Timothy 6:6
What is great gain according to this scripture?
Key: Godliness with Contentment is the answer
Warning! Humankind has a carnal tendency to measure self and status by one’s stuff. There are even
shows like “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” and “Celebrity Cribs”. Satan’s deception is Godliness is
guarantee to material gain!
Truth – One’s stuff can become one’s MASTER!
C. You Cannot Serve two Masters
Read Matthew 6:24
What is the stated truth in this verse?
Why do you think emotion is mentioned in this verse?
Summation of the lesson: God is not against blessing you and me with possessions. However, He is ultimately
concerned about the heart. Because the heart determines what we worship. Do we worship God, or our
possessions, our status, our trophies?
Read Proverbs 4:23
Why is the heart important in this verse?
Read Exodus 20:3
What does God command?
What was your one compelling take-a-way today?
Personal Application:
Where do you and I need to grow today in light of this lesson?
Your homework assignment:
Take time this week to think about, pray over, and set up some renewed boundaries regarding your stuff.
Let’s Pray