Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: Difference Maker
Sermon Title: Start with Conviction
How does a thought transform into a conviction?
Transition: Today we start a new sermon series – Difference Maker . . . we are looking at “Start with Conviction”
Andy mentioned there are two types of people – “watchers” and difference makers”. In your mind what is the contrast between the two?
Nehemiah – is an example of a Difference maker”
Difference Makers Start with ____________.
Andy shared that conviction has two components? Heart and ______
Conviction – “is a deep sense that what should be is not, combined with the desperate
action to make what should be, what is.” There is a GAP to be filled!
Context for today’s study . .
- In the 20th year of Persian King Artaxerxes reign ~ 445~ bc
- About 30 years after Queen Esther saved the Jewish nation by interceding with King Xerxes I
Read Nehemiah 1:1-4
What do we see the text gives us in vv. 1-3?
When? Where? Message?
Three Things A Person of Conviction Does
I. A Person of Conviction Grieves the Gap
Read v. 4
What is Nehemiah’s response?
What is interesting to see in this passage?
II. A Person of Conviction Owns the Gap
Read vv. 5-10
What things does Nehemiah own and spell out and mention to God in prayer?
v. 5?
v. 6?
v. 7?
v. 8?
v. 9?
v. 10?
Read 2 Chronicles 7:14
What if any correlation does this verse have with Nehemiah’s prayer?
III. A Person of Conviction Steps Into the Gap
Read v. 11
What does Nehemiah ask God?
Read 2:4
Is there a correlation between these verses? If so what is it?
- Difference makers move from thought to action
- Conviction is active not passive
- It costs you and me something to move and take an action of conviction
- Three realms of conviction that come to mind might be (spiritual, personal, relational)
A Few Points of Application to Consider:
- This week remember that you and I were created to not be idle.
- We learned that God answers prayers for courage and success.
- Reflect on your present situation and assess if you are willing to move and act “in conviction”.
Transition: What was your one compelling take-a-way today?
Your homework assignment:
What is God’s spirit speaking to you today about? What convictions are you feeling?
Let’s Pray