Difference Maker – Start with Conviction

Small Group Discussion Guide

Sermon Series: Difference Maker
Sermon Title:
Start with Conviction


How does a thought transform into a conviction?

Transition: Today we start a new sermon series – Difference Maker . . . we are looking at “Start with Conviction”


Andy mentioned there are two types of people – “watchers” and difference makers”. In your mind what is the contrast between the two?

Nehemiah – is an example of a Difference maker”

Difference Makers Start with ____________.

Andy shared that conviction has two components? Heart and ______

Conviction – “is a deep sense that what should be is not, combined with the desperate

action to make what should be, what is.” There is a GAP to be filled!

Context for today’s study . .

  • In the 20th year of Persian King Artaxerxes reign ~ 445~ bc
  • About 30 years after Queen Esther saved the Jewish nation by interceding with King Xerxes I

Read Nehemiah 1:1-4

What do we see the text gives us in vv. 1-3?

When? Where? Message?

Three Things A Person of Conviction Does

I. A Person of Conviction Grieves the Gap

Read v. 4

What is Nehemiah’s response?

What is interesting to see in this passage?

II. A Person of Conviction Owns the Gap

Read vv. 5-10

What things does Nehemiah own and spell out and mention to God in prayer?

v. 5?

v. 6?

v. 7?

v. 8?

v. 9?

v. 10?

Read 2 Chronicles 7:14

What if any correlation does this verse have with Nehemiah’s prayer?

III. A Person of Conviction Steps Into the Gap

Read v. 11

What does Nehemiah ask God?

Read 2:4

Is there a correlation between these verses? If so what is it?


  1. Difference makers move from thought to action
  2. Conviction is active not passive
  3. It costs you and me something to move and take an action of conviction
  4. Three realms of conviction that come to mind might be (spiritual, personal, relational)

A Few Points of Application to Consider:

  • This week remember that you and I were created to not be idle.
  • We learned that God answers prayers for courage and success.
  • Reflect on your present situation and assess if you are willing to move and act “in conviction”.

Transition: What was your one compelling take-a-way today?

Your homework assignment:

What is God’s spirit speaking to you today about? What convictions are you feeling?

Let’s Pray

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