Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: God With Us
Sermon Title: Likes Us !
How does the phrase “God likes us” resonate with you?
Transition: Today we continue our series, our focus today is “God Likes Us”
Read Hebrews 2:17
Why did Jesus have to be like us?
What does this mean to you personally?
Take-a-way Your Life Through the MESS brings Hope to my Life IN THE MESS
Points to Consider Today . . .
A. We were made in God’s Likeness
Read Genesis 1:26
How do we interpret the words “let us make”.
Why is it significant that humankind was made in God’s image and likeness?
Read Psalm 8:6
According to this verse, God gave mankind something, it was ?
B. We Fall Short of His Likeness
Truth: When mankind disobeyed God, sin entered into the world, and mankind fell short
Read Romans 3:23
What has mankind fallen short of?
Read Romans 6:23
What is the wages of sin?
Problem: With sin, mankind fell short of God’s glory and the wages of sin is death.
Therefore, our situation, condition and standing with God is hopeless, until . . .
C. God Came in Our Likeness
Read Hebrews 2:17 again, what is the truth in this verse?
Atonement can also be understood as At – one – meant . . . we are now one with God, no longer separated and isolated from God because of our sins.
- God Like Us PROVES God LOVES US !
- God Like us PROVES God CAN HELP us 1
Read Hebrews 4:16
How are we to approach God’s throne?
What are the two gifts found at God’s throne?
A Few Points of Application to Consider:
- This week remember that your atonement through Jesus’ death, brings present and eternal peace and hope.
- We learned that God loves us. How do you need to adjust your thoughts and emotions to realize this today?
- Reflect on your present situation and assess if you are willing for God to help you.
- Where do need to experience God’s mercy and grace in your life today?
- How can you help someone near and dear to you this week, experience at-one-ment with God?
Transition: What was your one compelling take-a-way today?
Your homework assignment:
What is God’s spirit focusing on today, give time this week and address that growth edge.
Let’s Pray