Difference Maker – Stay the Course

Small Group Discussion Guide

Sermon Series: Difference Maker
Sermon Title:
Stay The Course


Is it easier to give up or persevere during trials and difficulties? What does it take to endure under stress and strain?

Transition: Today we are looking at Difference Maker – Stay the Course


Truth: Staying the Course is essential in the midst of insults, persecution and tribulation

When you and I decide to stand in the GAP (serve God), the ENEMY will show up!!

Read Nehemiah 4:1-3

What insults did Sanballat and Tobiah throw towards the Israelites?

Read vv. 4-5

How did Nehemiah and the people respond?

Four Points to Consider Today

1. Don’t Settle for HALFWAY Done !

Read v. 6

Is half-way work good enough? in your opinion, why not?

What examples did Andy illustrate about halfway-ness?

Truth: Half-way is open and susceptible to attacks from the enemy!

Read vv 8 – What was the enemies plot?

Read: 1 Peter 5:8

What is Satan’s desire?

2. Shore Up the VULNERABLE Areas

Read vv. 9, 13, 16, 21

What proactive stance did Nehemiah make with the people at the vulnerable areas?

How do we translate this into our lives today?

3. Remember it’s GOD’S Work

Read vv. 14, 19-20

Who is present with us and who is ultimately our warrior?

Read Exodus 15:3, Isaiah 42:13

What truth is found in these verses?

4. Stay ARMORED Up

Read vv. 21-23

What was in their hands?

What was their attitude?

For Consideration this week:

  • This week remember that you and I are to stay the course in trials.
  • We learned that a half-way mentality and action is not optimal and healthy.
  • We must actively “shore up” and defend the vulnerable areas in our lives.
  • Remember your life and circumstance are God’s work, He is present with you, to fight !
  • Stayed vigilant and armed daily amidst the battle.

Transition: What was your one compelling take-a-way today?

Your homework assignment:

What is God’s spirit speaking to you about today?

Let’s Pray

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