Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: Strange
Sermon Title: Priesthood
Have you ever thought of yourself as a “living stone” or a “Priest”?
Transition: We continue our series today with “Strange Priesthood”, as we learn more above our identity in Christ, so let’s Dig In !
Read 1 Peter 2:1
What is the ‘therefore”, there for?
Looking back at the end of chapter one, in verse 23, “you have been born again—not of perishable seed but of imperishable“
What are the 5 things to rid ourselves of: Notice these are all actions with other people . . .
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Truth – salvation changes one’s identity. These five characteristics listed in this verse represent lost, unregenerate, worldly people.
Read verse 5
Define the new identity of those who are born again through Jesus Christ .
What metaphor does Peter use to describe this?
Let’s look at the Old Testament Priesthood – It was an exclusive group . . .
- Hereditary through tribe of Levi
- Ceremonially clean to serve
- Served in the Temple on rotation basis
- Offered sacrifices for the people
- Had special access to God
So, in this new birth through Jesus Christ, let’s look at
5 Characteristics of Our Priesthood (You and Me)
Read Galatians 4:7 – what do we see here?
A. Hereditary Adoption by God the Father
Read Hebrews 9:13-14 – what are we cleansed unto?
B. Made completely clean through Christ to Serve the Living God
Read 1 Corinthians 6:19 – who dwells in us?
C. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit
Read Romans 12:1 – what is our sacrifice?
D. Offer Ones self as a Living Sacrifice
Read Hebrews 4:15-16 – what kind of throne does God have?
E. Special Access is Given
Summation: So we are a special people – Priests unto God! HOWEVER . . .
Truth is “There are no Professional Christians”
Transition: To live faithfully as Priests unto God there are . . .
Three Imperatives to Live
- Don’t Hit the Easy Button
- Don’t wait on a PRO
- Align with the Cornerstone – Jesus Christ
Read 2 Peter 1:3
What has been given to you and me by God for life and godliness?
What was your one compelling take-a-way today?
Your homework assignment:
What is God’s spirit focusing on today, give time this week and address that growth edge.
Let’s Pray