Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: Noel
Sermon Title: Becoming A King
Break the Ice:
- Noel, when you hear that name, what do think about?
- Do you know what Noel means?
Today, in our study will introduce “Becoming A King”
Bring the Word
Matthew wants the reader to know that Jesus is the rightful King!
Read Matthew 1:1-2, 17
How does one become A King? Two ways:
Illegitimate Ways to Become a King
- ______________ – Proclamation (Make A)
- ______________ – another Kingdom (Overthrow)
Legitimate Ways to Become A King
- Be ___________ of Royalty (Born)
- Be ___________ as King (Anointed)
Read 1 Samuel 16:13
When David was anointed, what else occured? Is this significant?
A Truth to Ponder
You Were Made for _____________ (Kingship/Queenship)
Read Genesis 1:26
What is mankind called to do with fish, birds, sky, livestock, the earth?
Read Genesis 1:28
Complete the verse, “ Be fruitful . . . ____________________
Read Genesis 2:15
What does it mean to work and watch over the garden?
How did Adam and Eve do?
Truth: We were made for Royalty, but mankind Adam and Eve abused and abdicated their authority through sin.
Transition: But God completed the rest of the story. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation communicates THE STORY of reclamation of Kingship and Authority, In Jesus Christ!
Bring it Home:
Jesus is the _____________ King (Rightful)
Read Isaiah 9:6
Who is the son/child in v. 6?
What do the descriptors connote in this scripture about Jesus?
Read Genesis 49:10
What is the meaning/representation of “scepter and staff”.
Read John 18:37
How did Jesus answer Pilate?
Read Matthew 3:16
What happened after Jesus’ baptism (water anointing)?
Why is this significant?
Personal Application: Who is your King? What are you doing to honor Him as such?
Close it out:
What was your one compelling take-a-way this week?
Anything changed in your understanding of Becoming A King?
Let’s Pray