Break the Ice.
- What’s the best gift you have ever received?
Bring the Word.
Read Genesis 3
- What question did the servant ask Eve to grab her attention?
- Why did Satan attack what God said, before he tempted Eve with the fruit?
- Why is it important for Believers to be in God’s Word and know what He says?
- How did the serpent make the fruit look desirable?
- Why can we not always trust our desires?
- Read Romans 7:15-25
- Explain Paul’s internal struggle with his own desires.
- What did Adam and Eve do in verse 8, when they heard God walking in the garden?
- What is our natural tendency to do when we sin? Why?
- According to 1 John 1:9, what happens when we confess our sins?
- What is true confession?
Bring it Home.
- Is there a sin you need to confess to God?
- Anything going on in your life you’d like to share with us?
- How can we pray for one another?