Break the Ice.
Without over thinking, if you could only pick one for the rest of your life, which would you pick:
- Pancakes or Waffles?
- Coffee or Tea?
- Oreos or Chocolate Chip Cookies?
- iPhone or Android?
Bring the Word.
Read Psalm 22:1-13
- How would you describe David’s situation as he writes this psalm?
- What are some instances in David’s life that fit this description?
- Have you ever been in, or are you currently in a situation, where David’s words here speak to you?
- Does the opening of this psalm sound familiar? (Refer to Mark 15:34)
- Read Psalm 22:14-18. What parts of this passage sound familiar to you?
Read Psalm 54:1-7 include intro (refers to 1 Samual 26)
- Who is David talking about in verses 3 and 5?
Read 1 Samuel 31:1-13
- How does Saul die? Why would Saul’s sword bearer not kill him?
- How likely is it for Saul and three of his sons, including Jonathan, to die in this battle?
Read 2 Samuel 1:1-4
- How do you think David felt about the news of Saul’s death?
Bring it Home.
Read 2 Samuel 1:5-16
- We see a different story from the Amalekite about how Saul died. Why do you think he would embellish the story the way that he did?
- Why would David kill the Amalekite?
- It is easy to understand David grieving for Jonathan, but why grieve for Saul after all these years of him trying to kill David?
- How much of a role did Saul play in shaping King David and causing him to grow in his faith?
Read Luke 23:34
- How does David parallel this statement by Jesus?
- Could you treat your persecutors with such grace?
- It’s much easier said than done to treat your persecutors with grace such as David and Jesus do. Are there ways that you can start practicing this in your life?
- How can we pray for you?