Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: Raising the Bar
Sermon Title: Righteousness
Break the Ice:
Why do we have a tendency to set the bar for people’s behavior?
- Say: In the message, Brad challenged us to remember that man’s (rightness) rigtheousness is well below God’s standard. Let’s see in scripture what Jesus says.
Bring the Word:
- Read Matthew 5:38-42
- How was Jesus raising the bar in conduct with one another?
- What were the four examples he addresses?
- Read Exodus 21:23-25
- What was God establishing in the Old Testament?
- How is Matthew 5 different from Exodus 21?
- How are Jesus’ direction counter cultural today?
Bring it Home:
A. The Righteousness of God is Higher than the righteousness of mankind.
- Read Romans 12:19-20
- What are we not to do when something bad happens to us?
- We are to leave room for what?
- In v. 20 when we give drink or food to an enemy, what is the result?
- How are we to conquer evil?
B. The Righteousness of God embraces suffering
- Read 1 Peter 2:20-21
- What happens when you and I endure suffering?
- What are we called to?
- Who left us an example of suffering?
- Read 1 Peter 2:22-23
- What three “did nots” did Jesus (give us an example) in verses 22-23?
- What one thing did he “do” (model for us) in verse 23?
C. The Righteousness of God is possible for us, through Christ’s sacrificial death
Read 1 Peter 2:24
What is the promise in the verse for you and me?
How do we return to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls?
- What’s your one compelling take-a-way from our study today?
- What change do you desire in your life from this study today?
- Let’s close in prayer.