Small Group Discussion Guide
Sermon Series: Parables
Sermon Title: The Mustard Seed
Break the Ice:
- What is something you lose frequently?
- Have you ever lost something for an extended period of time and then found it unexpectedly? How did you feel when you found it?
- Say: In this weeks parable, Jesus tells a very common story about a lost sheep. It’s a story every hearer would have been familiar with. Shepherds were common. Sheep were common. Sheep that wonder off were very common. Even the part about the shepherd looking for the lost sheep was a common practice. So what was so uncommon about this story? Let’s find out.
Bring the Word:
- Read Luke 15:1-7
- Who is Jesus talking to in this parable? (Pharisees and Scribes; a.k.a religious leaders)
- What would the religious leaders think about sinners? (Evidently, they believed Jesus should not be eating with them!)
- Was there anything in the story of a lost sheep that was surprising at face value? (Not really. This was a very common occurrence.)
- Verse 7 is this turning point. Jesus connects the lost sheep to a sinner who repents. Why do you think this would have been a shocking statement to the religious leaders? (They believed heaven was more impressed with the sheep who never left vs. the lost sheep was was returned to the flock.)
- How does it impact you to know that God pursues the one?
- What does this truth prove about your value to God?
- What does this truth prove about other people’s value to God?
- Read Psalm 23
- David was a shepherd of sheep. What do you think the implications are of saying, “The Lord is my Shepherd?”
- What are some of the things a good shepherd does as described in Psalm 23?
- According to verse 6, His faithful love will pursue us. This literally means that His love will chase us down. Describe a time in your life when you were being chased by God.
Bring it Home:
- Are there any areas of your life, today, that are not being guided by the Good Shepherd?
- If so, what are they, and how can you return to following the Shepherd in that particular area?
- What are the consequences, when we choose to go our own way, and not follow the Good Shepherd?
- Close in prayer by giving thanks to the Father for loving you so much that He would send a Good Shepherd.