Parables – The Mustard Seed

Small Group Discussion Guide

Sermon Series: Parables
Sermon Title:
The Mustard Seed

Break the Ice:
  • Think of your favorite sport or hobby. If you could pick anyone to be on your dream team, who would you pick and why? (For example, someone may choose Brett Favre to be on their football team, or Warren Buffett to be on their financial planning team.)
  • Read Matthew 10:1-4.
    • Who did Jesus pick to be on his team?
    • What were some of their occupations?
    • Does this seem like a likely team of guys who could work together?

  • Say: In last week’s message, we studied the parable of the mustard seed, and Andy made two points. 1) There’s a tree in the seed. 2) There’s inevitable growth in the kingdom of God.
  • What was a key take away for you from the message?
Bring the Word: 
  • Read Matthew 13:31-33
    • In last week’s message, we studied the parable of the mustard seed, and Andy made two points. 1) There’s a tree in the seed. 2) There’s inevitable growth in the kingdom of God.
    • What was a key take away for you from the message?
    • Did Jesus select the disciples because of who they were, or because of who they would become?
    • Is there anything that can stop the growth of God’s kingdom? How do you know for sure?

  • Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
    • What do you think Paul means by “consider your calling?” (Remember, we all have a personal calling. For example, God may call you to work with foster children. But there are also general callings for every disciple. For example, the calling to walk worthy (Ephesians 4:1); pursue holiness (Hebrews 12:14); and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).
    • Who does God choose for His purposes? (foolish, weak, insignificant)
    • According to verse 29, why does God choose this way?
    • In the message, Andy said, “you have everything you need to become who God has created you to be.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?
    • What are some excuses people often have for why they can’t be used by God?
Bring it Home:

The enemy loves to bring up our past, while God loves to bring up our future.

  • How can a person overcome events, moments, or failures from their past?
  • Why is it important to stay focused on our eternal future?

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