Small Faith

Small Group Discussion Guide

Sermon Series: Small Things
Sermon Title:
Small Faith

Have you ever worked at something hard, to discover that you were graded by a different standard than your own?


Today we look at God’s standard whereby He grades his servants.

Bring the Word

READ Luke 19:11-26

In vv. 14-15, there are two groups, who are they?

How are they different?

Three Points to Consider in Today’s Study

A. Some Reject the King

Who rejected the King? v. 14 Why?

B. Some Receive the King and are Rewarded

Read vv. 15-19

What was the reward for the faithful servants?

Read vv. 20-26

How do we make sense of this servant, his stewardship and

his reward?

What emotion motivated the servant?

Why did the King, call his servant, evil?

Read Proverbs 28:20 – Put scripture in your own words

C. When the King returns a Standard is used to Evaluate HIs Servants Work

TRUTH – God’s scorecard is not how many, but how faithful?

Is faithfulness an emotion, an attitude, or something else?

Read Galatians 5:22 What does this scripture say faithfulness is?

What do you think informs, empowers, and produces faithfulness?

Read 1 Corinthians 4:2 – What does this passage say?

Bring it Home:

Personal Applications:


What are some treasures you have been entrusted with to steward?






Read 1 Peter 4:10

How are we to use “the gift” that God gives us?

What do the words, “as good stewards” mean?

LAST THOUGHT – Live Like the King is Returning!

Close it out:

What was your one compelling take-a-way this week?

Let’s Pray

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