Break the Ice.
- Finish this sentence. “You may not know it, but I’m really good at…”
Bring the Word.
Read John 19:30
- Does the word “teleo” change your perspective any on the death of Jesus? If so, how? If not, why?
- Did Jesus pay in full the penalty of sin, or did He only partially pay the penalty of sin?
- If Jesus paid in full the penalty of sin, why can we not add to the payment with good works?
- If good works don’t save us (see Eph. 2:9), should followers of Christ do good works? Why or why not?
Read John 10:11, 18 and Philippians 2:8
- What do these verses teach us about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?
- Why does it matter that Jesus willingly gave up his life?
Read Colossians 2:6
- How does a person receive Christ?
- How should we continue to walk in Christ?
Bring it Home.
Action Questions:
- Have you received Christ’s sacrifice as payment for your sins?
- Are you continuing to walk in His grace by faith?
- How can we pray for you?
Read John 21 before next week!