Break the Ice.
- If you could share a pizza with anyone in the world today, besides your family, who would it be?
Bring the Word.
Read Genesis 1:24-2:25.
How is mankind different from other animals and the rest of creation?
What does it mean to be made in the Image of God?
What are some of the qualities/characteristics of God we should reflect on earth?
Why can we never fully reflect those qualities/characteristics?
Adam was placed in a perfect garden, with perfect resources, yet God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” Why wasn’t it good?
What does this teach us about the value of personal relationships?
- Who has authority over the animals? Who has authority over mankind?
- People who reject God are essentially rejecting His authority. Why do people want to reject God’s authority?
- What instructions does God give mankind?
- Be fruitful multiply.
- Replenish the earth.
- Subdue the earth.
- Dominion over animals.
Bring it Home.
- What’s the one thing that stands out to you most from this discussion?
- Anything going on in your life you’d like to share with us?
- How can we pray for one another?