Break the Ice.
- What’s something about you we may not know?
- How would you describe a strong and courageous believer?
Bring the Word.
This semester we are continue our chronological study through the Bible. We’re specifically going to look at the books of Joshua and Judges. The first two books of the Bible cover a period of over 3,000 years. Joshua and Judges covers a period of 300 years. We pick up the story with a new leader in charge.
Read Joshua 1:1-9
- Who is Joshua?
- Put yourself in Joshua’s sandals. You’ve followed Moses around for 40 years, and watched as God used him to part seas, bring water from rock, and lead the people through the wilderness. Now God taps you on the shoulder and says you’re the new leader. How do you feel?
- Why does God tell Joshua three times? (verse 6, 7, 9)
- What other things did God tell Joshua to do in verses 6, 7, and 9?
- Why do you think God told Joshua to take possession of the land?
- Why do you think God told Joshua to live according to the law?
- Why do you think God told Joshua to not tremble or be dismayed?
Notice that Joshua’s strength and courage would come from taking possession of the land, living according to the law, and not trembling or being dismayed.
Let’s see how this applies to us today!
- Taking possession of the land = taking possession of God’s promises!
- Living according to the law = living according to His Word!
- Not trembling or being dismayed = not living in fear.
Bring it Home.
- Why is it important for us as believers to live strong and courageous lives?
- What’s one specific way you can live more courageously this week?
- How can we pray for one another?