Break the Ice
Who is the greatest TV duo of all time?
Bring the Word
Read 1 Kings 11:29-37
- Why is God dividing Israel?
- There are the 12 tribes of Israel. Jeroboam is promised 10 and God promises to leave one with Solomon’s son. Why does God leave one tribe to Solomon’s son?
- Why do you think there is one tribe of Israel left out?
- What thoughts come to mind whenever the Bible mentions Israel’s sin of worshiping other gods?
- What is our equivalent of worshiping other gods? And does that change the way you view Israel’s sin?
Read 2 Chronicles 9:30-10:7
- Are Jeroboam and Israel reasonable in their request? Why or why not?
- In Israel’s eyes, what are the pros and cons of having a new king?
- What do you think it says about Jeroboam that he offers to serve Rehoboam if he grants the request of the people?
- What do you think about the advice that Rehoboam gets from the counselors?
Read 2 Chronicles 10:8-11
- What do you think about the advice he gets from the young men?
- Why would Rehoboam take the advice of inexperienced men rather than experienced men?
Bring it Home
Read Proverbs 13:20
- How could Rehoboam recognize what is wise and what is foolish advice?
- Can advice be neither wise nor foolish, just okay advice?
- If so, what should we do with okay advice?
- How can you separate wise advice and foolish advice in your own life?
Read 2 Chronicles 10:12-17
- What is the outcome of Rehoboam’s response to Israel?
Read 2 Timothy 4:2-4
- Do you think these verses applies to Rehoboam?
- How do we as Christians know what we are hearing is wise or unwise advice?
- How can we pray for you?