Session 2: Who Does That?


Last session we introduced a section of Luke 14 and did a broad overview. Starting in this session we will use that Scripture as a starting point to explore our commitment to Christ. This discussion will examine some subtle differences in common terminology that modern culture often uses interchangeably.  God’s perfect design is for someone to believe in Christ and then follow him by modeling His example through the power of the Holy spirit until the “day of Jesus Christ”(Philippians 1:6).  However, we often see believers’ growth stop somewhere along the way. 

Break the Ice

  • Which is the correct term for a flavored carbonated beverage and why?
    • A)Coke
    • B)Pop
    • C)Soda
    • D)Soda-pop
    • E)something else

Bring the Word

Read Luke 14:25-27, Acts 11:26, 2 Thessalonians 3:6

  • What is the difference between the description of people in vs 25 and those in 27?
  • What is the difference between “travel with” (“go along with”) and  “follow behind” (“come after”)?
  • What is the definition of a “Believer”? …a “Christian”?… a “Disciple”?
  • Is that definition backed by Scripture? If not, where does it come from?
  • Should we use these terms synonymously?
  • What commitment or commitments must be considered when determining to submit to someone or something? 

Read Luke 8:4-15 (Matthew 13:18-23)

  • Of the four categories Jesus gives, which fall under the category of unbelievers? Why?
  • How is the first example of a believer described?
  • What does it take for a new believer to develop roots?
  • Do new believers know what they need to develop roots?
  • Does this person still fit the definition of a believer? .. a disciple? Why or why not?
  • How is the second example of a believer described?
  • Have they developed roots?
  • What prevents them from maturing? (see also Matthew 13:22)
  • What are some of the ways thorns(or weeds) choke out the desired plants?
  • What are some of the worries of this world that choke out our relationship with God?
  • Why does it take an active and ongoing effort and commitment to protect that relationship? (Compare your experience with gardening, lawn care, or growing something with a commitment to Christ.)
  • Does this person still fit in the definition of a believer?.. a disciple? Why or why not?

Bring it Home

  • Can we prevent ourselves from stalling in our spiritual maturation process? If so, How? If not, why?
  • What are some ways we can help others from stalling?
  • What commitments help a believer to continue to mature?
  • What is the difference between the last example of a believer and the others?
  • What does it look like for us to yield a crop?
  • How can we pray with you?

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