Sermon Series: Elements
Sermon Title: Imitate
Ice Breaker:
- What is something you did as a child to mimic your parents?
- In the message, Andy said God can be clearly seen through His Son, His creation, and His children. Why do you think many people have a hard time seeing God today?
Dig In:
- Read Ephesians 5:1-5
- What does it mean to “imitate God as dearly loved children?”
- What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
- How does Christ help us bear the image of God?
- Read John 5:19
- Does anything surprise you about what Jesus said? Explain your answer.
- How is Jesus modeling for us what it looks like to imitate the Father.
- Did Jesus ever operate out of his own agenda? (No.)
- Read Genesis 12:1-3
- What was the short term promise God made to Abram? (He would have a child.)
- What was the long term promise God made to Abram? (He would become a nation.)
- Read Genesis 16:1-5
- Why did Sarai want to Abram to have a child through Hagar?
- Was Sarai following God’s agenda or her own agenda? Explain your answer.
- How was Sarai trying to accomplish God’s plan in her own way?
- What is the outcome when we try live out God’s plan our way?
In order to imitate God, we have to know God. What is the primary way we can confidently know God? Read and apply His Word.
The Bible is God’s revelation to mankind. In other words, God reveals Himself to us through His Word. What happens when people try to imitate their own self-made version of who God is?
What are of you life do you feel you are operating in your own initiative?