Break the Ice.
- How’d you hear about Antioch Georgetown?
- What brought you back a 2nd time?
Bring the Word.
1. God In Flesh
Read John 1:1-2 & 1:14
- Who was the Word?
- What does it mean that Jesus was “in the beginning?”
- What does it mean that Jesus “was with God?”
- What does it mean that Jesus “was God?”
2. Jesus Gives Life
Read John 1:3-4
- How does verse 4 compare with John 10:10?
- What are some ways people seek satisfaction in life? (Ex: sports, money, etc.)
- Why can only Jesus bring true satisfaction in life?
3. Jesus is the Light
Read John 1:4-5
- What are some of the qualities of light? What does light do?
- How is that like Christ?
Bring it Home.
- Action Questions:
- What does it mean to make Jesus the center of your life?
- If you aren’t living for Jesus then who/what are you living for?
- Prayer:
- How can we pray for you?
Read John 1 before next week!