Break the Ice.
- Would you rather the world run out of cheese or butter?
Bring the Word.
This month we are focusing on our 3rd culture statement: Genuine Faith. Sometimes “faith” is often misconstrued as some sort of abstract belief or teaching. However, in Scripture, we see that genuine faith is always rooted in a very real promise and always responds in a very real obedience.
The Promise Made
- Read Genesis 15:15-22
- What was the promise?
- What made this so significant?
- How was Abraham’s plan different from God’s plan?
The Promise Fulfilled
- Read Genesis 21:1-8
- God certainly fulfilled the promise He made to Abraham. (You could say He has a 100% track record!)
- What implications does this have for us, knowing that God’s promises will always be fulfilled?
The Promise Tested
- Read Genesis 22:1-2
- What would you have done?
- Read Genesis 22:3
- What kind of faith would it require to obey as Abraham did? (Hint: Genuine)
- How are faith and obedience interconnected?
Bring it Home.
- The rest of the story. God provided a sacrifice, a ram, to take the place of Isaac. God also provides a sacrifice for you and I. His name is Jesus. He died in our place.
- Have you placed your complete faith in the Promise found in Jesus Christ?
- How can we pray for you?