Break the Ice
What is your favorite vacation? Why?
Bring the Word
Read Matthew 16:13-20, Luke 9:18-20
- Why would it matter who other people said Jesus was?
- Of the possibilities listed (John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets) which would you rather see and why?
- Do you think the people of Jesus’ day would have had similar reasons? Would they have any additional reasons?
- How does our view of who Christ is affect why we seek him?
Read Luke 5:17-26
- Was everyone in the crowd there for the same reason?
- Is any reason for seeking Jesus not self motivated?
- Why were the Pharisees and teachers of the law there?
- Why were the friends there?
- Why did the paralyzed man come to Jesus?
- What did the paralyzed receive?
- What parallels can be drawn to people seeking Jesus today?
- What made the crowd react the way they did?
- Is admiring something someone does the same as admiring them? Why or why not?
Bring it Home
Read John 6:60-71
- What makes a teaching offensive?
- Was Peter’s faith in who Jesus was or the things Jesus said?
- How does that differ from the disciples who left?
- What does it take to accept the hard teachings from Jesus?
- How can we pray for you?
Begin a Discipline
Prayer: Try setting out a couple extra minutes every day this week to stop and pray on 3 things:
- Thank God for your small group.
- Pray something specific for your small group.
- Pray for someone specific in your small group.
Are you already in the habit of praying daily? Try praying for these at a time that you might not normally think to pray. (on break at work, driving, in the shower, during your workout, etc.)