Break the Ice
What is your favorite fast food side item?
Bring the Word
Read Matthew 16:13-20
- Why doesn’t Jesus expand on the answer to His first question, but does on the second?
- What does Peter call him?
- What does Christ or Messiah mean? (The Anointed)
- What is the point of anointing something or someone?
- Can you give some examples of people or things that were anointed in the Old Testament?
- What purpose or purposes were they anointed for?
- Can you explain how each example pictures Christ?
- Why do you think Peter’s answer is phrased the way it is?
Bring It Home
Read Colossians 1:15-20
- What understanding does this verse bring to Peter’s proclamation of Jesus as the Son of God?
- What part of this summary did Peter not understand at the time?
- Should we view Christ as serving a purpose for us or us serving a purpose for Him?
- How can we pray for you?
Begin a Discipline
Prayer: Are you still praying? Could you add a little to it? Try starting your prayer by acknowledging something about the character or Greatness of God! (Holy, Righteous, Loving, Gracious, etc.) Then acknowledge an area of your life you need Gods help to change!
Is this already a part of your prayers? Try praying them out loud by yourself!