Break the Ice.
- What is something you overspend on? What is something you underspend on?
Bring the Word.
This we’re focusing on our 2nd culture statement: Life Change. In the book of Acts chapter 8-10, we read the stories of 4 people who’s lives were radically changed by their encounters with Jesus Christ.
Read or summarize Acts 8:9-24.
- In what ways did Simon’s life change?
- In what ways did Simon’s life not change?
- How does this relate to us and spiritual growth?
Read or summarize Acts 8:26-38.
- What was the Ethiopian doing before his life changed?
- How do we see Christ pursuing the Ethiopian?
Read or summarize Acts 9:1-20.
- What was Saul doing before he met Christ?
- How do we see Christ pursuing Saul?
Read or summarize Acts 10:23-48
- What was Cornelius doing before he met Christ?
- How do we see Christ pursuing Cornelius?
Bring it Home.
- Action Questions:
- How are these 4 stories similar? How are they different
- What does it mean to you to know that Christ pursues you?
- How do these examples conflict with man’s approach at working or “being good” for salvation?
- Prayer:
- How can we pray for you?
Read Romans 7-8 before next week!