Read Zechariah 1:1-6
- In his warning, who does the Lord use as an example?
- What was his warning?
- How and when did the ancestors respond to the Lord?
- Is there any significance in the questions the Lord asks in verse 5? If so, what?
Read Zechariah 1:12-17
- How long has the Lord “been angry” with Judah?
- Why is the Lord very angry?
- What prophetic implications are in verse 16 and 17?
Key Verse
Read Zechariah 9:9
- How does this verse line up with the prophetic implications in Zechariah 1:16-17?
- In the time of Zechariah, what do you think they took lowly to mean in this verse?
Key Truth
Read Matthew 21:1-5
- What is different about how Matthew quotes Zechariah 9:9?
- Why do you think it is different?
Read Proverbs 16:19
- If we are considered lowly, are we imitating Christ?
- How does striving to be lowly counteract what society says we should be?
- How can we pray for you?
BONUS: Read Matthew 23:35 to find out what happened to Zechariah