Read Ezekiel 3:16-21
- What was the role of a physical watchman for a city?
- What was Ezekiel’s role as a spiritual watchman?
- Who is Ezekiel tasked with warning?
- Do you think we today are tasked as watchmen? And if so, has the role changed?
Key Verse
Read Ezekiel 3:22-23, Ezekiel 1:25-28
- Why do you think Ezekiel uses the word like in his descriptions of his visions?
- Are there other similar descriptions of the glory of God? Where?
- Why do you think Ezekiel fell face down?
Read Ezekiel 3:24-27
- If Ezekiel fell face first on his own accord, what is the significance of the spirit lifting him up?
- What are some of the inconveniences Ezekiel faces?
- Why do you think God kept Ezekiel from speaking until God opened his mouth?
Key Truth
Read James 3:3-12
- What are some of the powers of the tongue that we learn here?
- As Christians do you think being vocal about our opinions affects our witness in a positive or negative way? Can you give an example?
- How can we pray for you?