Read Jeremiah 3:1-5 and v. 20, Isaiah 1:21, & Ezekiel 16:30-32
- What is the common theme of these passages?
- What is Israel doing that God is comparing them to an unfaithful wife/prostitute?
Read Hosea 1:1-2
- How long has Hosea been a prophet in this verse?
- Why do you think the Lord is telling him to marry a promiscuous woman?
- How do you think Hosea felt about his first assignment as a prophet?
Read Hosea 1:3-9
- What are some of the negative things Hosea has faced by following what God has told him? (Marriage, relationships, reputation, stress, etc.)
- What parallels can you draw between Hosea and God?
Key Verse
Read Hosea 2:2-5
- Is this passage about Gomer, Israel, or both?
- In either scenario (Gomer or Israel), who are the children?
- Does either relationship seem reconcilable?
Read Hosea 3:1-3, and v. 5
- Why does Hosea pursue his wife?
Key Truth
- Do you think Hosea had certain expectations for his marriage, family and children? And if so what were they?
- Do you have certain expectations for your life?
- Do you think our expectations can become idols?
Read Luke 14:25-33
- What expectations may we have that conflict with this passage?
- On a scale of basic/fundamental expectations to lofty/dream expectations, where would you rank the expectations in this passage?
- What does that tell us about our other expectations?
- How can we pray for you?