Bring the Word
Calling of Fishermen
Read John 1:35-42
- What do you think it was about Andrew’s encounter with Jesus that made Andrew sure that Jesus was the Messiah?
Read Luke 4:38-39, 5:1-11
- Why does Simon’s mother-in-law get up and begin to serve them? Why does the Bible mention it?
- Why does Jesus get into the boat?
- Why is it important that they caught nothing all night?
- What happened to all the fish they caught?
- How difficult would it be to completely walk away from your livelihood like the fishermen?
- Was the haul of fish a blessing or a snare? Why?
Read John 1:43-51 (Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20)
- Why would Nathanael ask if anything good could come from Nazareth?
- Do you think there is a connection between Jesus’ comment about Nathanael being an Israelite without deceit and what Nathanael was doing under the fig tree?
- How does Nathanael’s reaction back your view?
Calling of Tax Collector/s
Read Matthew 9:9-13 (Mark 2:13-17, Luke 5:27-32)
- What was Matthew’s first action after being instructed by Jesus?
- What was the next thing that Matthew did? (How did he get people to his house to eat with Jesus?)
Bring it Home
Read Matthew 8:18-22
- What could it cost you to follow Jesus?
- What does it cost you not to follow Jesus?
- Is it possible to avoid making a decision on whether or not to follow Jesus?
- How can we pray for you?