Read Acts 1:15-26
- After this instance, are any decisions in the church made by the casting of lots? Why?
- Who appointed the 12 apostles and gave them authority?
- When naming the replacement apostle for Judas, what were the qualifications for apostleship?
- At this point in scripture were the apostles the only appointed leadership?
- Does Paul meet the requirements of apostleship? How or how not?
- Is the role of the apostle still present in the church? Why or why not?
Read Acts 6:1-7
- What problem or problems are the apostles faced with?
- How do the qualifications set forth for these 7 differ from that of the apostles? How are they the same?
- Who selected these men? Who appointed them?
- How does that help them be successful in their role?
- Is their new responsibility in addition to or in place of the great commission?
- If the need presented here ceased to exist, would the role still exist? How does this compare to the way God raised up judges in the time of judges?
- What does that tell us about the roles we define within the church?
- Are there specific roles defined in the bible?
Read Ephesians 4:11-13
- What need or needs are being met by these roles?
- Describe the purpose of these roles?
- Did you give descriptions of their individual purpose or purpose as a whole?
- Why do you think emphasis is placed on the oneness of the church and the outcome instead of the roles themselves?
- Is any role more important or prestigious than another?
Read 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, Luke 12:48
- Why does it refer to these as gifts and not roles?
- What does it mean to desire the greater gifts?
- How can we pray for you?
Need a prayer cue? Try Psalms 145!